Choose your own marketing adventure and throw out the rule book
Start creating engaging content that converts into clients
5x Founder
12 Years in Business
6 Figures Earned
Endless Content Created
I teach service-based business owners who have ADHD and/or Dyslexia how to create their own “rules” to market their business with organic content.
Less overwhelm and procrastination. More speaking from your soul to your dream clients so they clearly see how incredible and magical you are and proceed to ask for the link to join your awesome offer after binging all of your content.
Hello, I’m Katie.
I want your content to work for your business so you can concentrate on serving your clients and not just churning out content after content with little to no results.
Are you ready to choose your own adventure?

“After the first session, I gained clarity on who my ideal follower is and finally narrowed down the topics I’m talking about.
Such a relief! I don’t feel stuck with content”
– Karolina –

“Big thank you to Katie for helping me recently as I was feeling really overwhelmed. I usually launch my membership and courses with a big launch using ads. I was feeling really overwhelmed and I was burning out. I wanted to cancel the launch.
I got on a call with Katie and she talked me through what I could do. So instead of cancelling the launch, I implemented what Katie taught me and made over £9,000 in a week without ads
or burning out.”
– Michelle –