
Free Resources

21 Reel Ideas for service based businesses

Reels ideas that you can create and post today. Get more reach and more eyes on your Instagram account.

Get your free copy here

How to attract your dream client via your Instagram Bio

With an optimised Insta bio, you can target your dream clients, so new visitors to your account will know if you are the person to help them or not. Get your free copy here

What to post on your Instagram Stories

Insta Stories have so much power. They allow your audience to get to know, like and trust you.

In this guide, I share what to post on your Insta Stories that will actually make a difference to you and your audience. So you can get to know, like and trust one another.

Get your free copy here

Choosing the right social media platform

Figure out which social media platforms will work best for you with this free workbook.

Get your free workbook here

50 Things to post on social media

Stuck with what to post on social media? Download 50 ideas to help you kick the content slump. Get your free list here

How to overcome your inner critic

Click below to get your free workbook to help you with your inner critic

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My recommended resources, tools and programmes

Graphic design and stock photos

Haute stock

Stock photos, stock videos and templates.

Learn more here (Get 15% off with my affiliate link)

Business Tools

FEA Create

FEA Create can replace your email service provider, course hosting platform, calendar scheduling tool, CRM, social media scheduler, website builder and so much more!

Learn more

Project management and client tools


Great for managing project, social media or client tasks.

Get organised with Asana here


for invoice management, client management.

Find out more.

Courses and Memberships

Female Entrepreneur Association Members’ Club

A pool of resources for female entrepreneurs, whether you are just starting your business or growing your business.

Join the Club.

Planner Girl

How to create and sell your own planner and create passive income.

Find out more.

The magic is you

For women who want step into their power.

Start making magic.

WordPress Express

Learn how to create your own WordPress website

Find out more.

Epic Course Kit

A stress-free system to creating empowering, profitable, Inspiring, courses

Find out more

Affliate Tools


This is a great tool if you want to use affiliates to sell your courses or membership.

Explore ThriveCart here

Social media scheduler

Facebook Creator Studio

For Facebook and Instagram there is only one schedule that I recommend and that’s Facebook Creator Studio.

Get started here