How often should I post on social media?

This is a question that I get asked A LOT! So I thought it was time I wrote a blog about it.

How often should you post on social media?

The answer depends on what your goal is on social media.

The more frequently you post on social media the more data, insights and analytics you have.

But are you able to consistently create content at such a fast pace? If the answer is no, then that’s totally ok.

I always give my clients this advice when it comes to posting frequency on social media.

“How often can you create content consistently?”

So whether you can post three times per week or 5 times per week. Then that is your number.

You see it’s much better to create high quality content on a consistent basis than poor quality or filler content twice per day. This all depends on your workload, life, responsibilities etc.

You do NOT have to post every day or multiple times per day.

You want to wow your audience with content they enjoy and not just content you’ve posted out just for the sake of it.

When it comes to how frequently you post on social media, here are my top tips:

1. Create a strategy for your social media

Your strategy should include your business goals and your offers.

2. Create a framework

This includes your content pillars, what days you are posting content and the content format.

3. Batch create

Batch creating your content for the week ahead is honestly a game changer. It will help you be more consistent, nurture your audience and free up a ton of thinking space.

And don’t be afraid to experiment with your content. You’ll be able to find out what works best for you!