A little bit of marketing done every day or every week is much better than one month of frantic activity followed by months of silence.
When building an audience you are building trust and relationships, so little and often is key.
We all struggle with time when running our own business. Juggling to do marketing in-between running the business, looking after the family, house chores and everyday life. Thats even before you thought of whats for dinner this evening.
To help you with marketing your business, I have come up with 8 ten minute marketing tips that you can put into practice today.
Take ten minutes to schedule your Facebook posts for the next couple of days. Then pop back into Facebook for a couple of minutes at a time to reply to comments.
Facebook posts can include tips, quotes, blogs, videos, articles, status update.
Write a blog post. Write down some bullet points and outline your next blog post. Or if that isn’t your style take ten minutes to write down ideas for future blog posts. I always find its much easier to sit down and write a blog if I have a subject and some bullet points.
Update your bio’s on your social media platforms. Having great bios on your social media platform will help attract your dream clients. I update my bios on a regular basis and it’s great to have a spring clean (even in winter). You need to let you dream clients know what you do, if they don’t know what you do they can not buy from you or work with you.
Spend time looking for new people to connect and network with on Twitter. If you are a local business find some local businesses to follow or maybe a new networking hour that would be good for your business.
Take time to say thank you. Take ten minutes to thank recent customers for their business. This could be a simple email or text message or go all out with a hand written card.
Be helpful. Head into some Facebook groups that you know your dream clients hang out in. Don’t sell anything or even mention that you sell products or services. Just go in and be super helpful. Give, give, give then sell. People are more likely to buy from you once they have got to know you. By being helpful in groups they learn to know you, trust you and like you.
Write a FAQ page for your website to reduce the amount of emails you receive. What questions do customers always ask you before they buy? Delivery times, services you provide, returns on products, what ingredients you use, whatever questions you keep getting asked, answer them on your website.
Go live on Facebook or Instagram. Find a topic that you want to talk to your customers about or one that you know will be helpful to them. It could even be on behind the scenes of your business, at an event you are attending or if you are attending a retreat.
Set a timer If you struggle to get focused. Don’t fritter precious time away being unproductive by scrolling through Facebook rather than on productive tasks. So get that timer set on your phone for ten minutes and start working through your tasks.
I would love to know if you have found this ten minute task helpful in any way by leaving a comment below
If you’re fed up with winging it when it comes to creating content…
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